hello fianakaviako malalako! how are you!? i am really good. ill tell you more about why i am so good later haha.be fitiavana mandrakizay
so sounds like you are living the hard life lately!! those hydrolic hoses breaking and everything..... tough hahahahha eating seafood and going to movies... i heard the new spiderman movie was a winner.
ok so now i will tell you about my week. me and elder barclay worked our butts off!! and got over 30 times! (lessons) taught to people. and i met a man more prepared for this gospels than anyone i know. his name is hery. he was a member refferal. a neigbour of a member looking fora book of mormon. so not thinkin to much of it we stop by his house one night to give his said book of mormon haha.i get in there and we have this incredible conversation about the bible and joseph smith and how he wanted the book of mormon because there was so many scriptures that oppose eachother in the bible. so he heard about another scripture and had to read it. what an amazing invitation to the spirit that was. this man already had a special spirit about him. so we left him with a panflet and a book of mormon and asked him to read out of both of them and pray about them. then we made a return apointment for that same saturday. because we needed to see him one more time before sunday to solidify him coming to church. then we go throughout the week finding many new people and seeing many blessing. i didnt think the week could get much better. then saturday night. our last time. we go to visit hery and his family. it was the most spiritual time i have aver experience in my life. this man was prepared by god in his life to find this gospel. hehad read the whole panflet and he had questions and had started the book of mormon and said he believes everything so far. he asked us about preisthood and about baptism and bore witness of god and how he wants to know more about god. even though he was already sooooo knowlagable in the bible. i bore testimony on how he was prepared by god to find the fullness of the gospel and how this was the time for him to follow christ and give service in his life. he then told me thats what he believed this life was for. giving service. oh how true and powerful his words were. god blessed me and my companion to find hery and give him the fullness of the gospel. i have no doubt that he will be baptised and work miracles for the lord here in madagascar. the holy gohst hast boren testomy of that to me. i know that god prepares us for things in this life. he knows who he needs and when and how and where and what they are going to do and there is no disturbing that. not even by human error. for god knows that human error. he created it hahah. and what a good week for me it has been. wich is good because i found out last night i am getting transfered!! to a place called tamatave! it is on the east coast! yup i get a beach!! ahahhaha i am very excited for this move. i know the lord has something there for me to learn and to grow me. i will be with elder gunnell. he is farely new. been here 2 or 3 months i think. so i am his second companion or here we call it his mom haha. it will be interesting. its my first time being senior and i know there are bigger things instore for me. i lvoe the lord and all he offers me. i lvoe this life and the opportunity i have to become as my god. and i strive for that everyday. i know that if we do everything we can and pray faithfully then the grace of god will bring us to the celestial kindom with our families again. 2 nephi 25.
elder bates
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